Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Lonely Echoes ...

Hey folks,

I know that you're reading the blog and I'm more than happy to continue documenting all the adventures I'm having ...

How about a little feedback?

You don't have to leave your name, but
please start leaving comments!

Mae Govannen!



Anonymous said...

Hey, just a shoutout...blog is very cool. I came to it late, and I'd love to see more pictures of the various costumes you've talked about. How did the coat you had made for the Aragorn costume turn out?

Herion said...

Hi - thanks for visiting! I wish Blogger had page counter equivalent!

The Aragorn duster is great! I'm planning another major photo shoot when the Faramir sword is ready - that way, I can "cheat" a little on the beard stubble. I'll be doing the Aragorn outfits (FOTR and TTT costumes), the Faramir Ranger outfit and the Faramir HOH outfit.

Anonymous said...

JJ's work is AWESOME!

Herion said...

JJ's work is *breathtaking* !! Wait till you see the entire "300" outfit!

I'm so lucky that I found him and that he's such a talented and reliable craftsman!