Saturday, February 10, 2007


As you can probably surmise from the title of the blog, I am *slightly* LOTR-obsessed . Faramir and Aragorn are my two favorite characters.

Now, I'm not your regular "Tolkien-geek" obsessed - like decorating a room or buying elf-ears and other cheap paraphenalia.

Nope - when I do something, I do something RIGHT.

  • I've taken up archery - using a 72" longbow - and I'm up to a 40-pound draw weight
  • I'm learning how to fight with a sword - rapier and broadsword
  • Put on about 15 pounds of muscle
  • I've worked with some very talented folks and have LOTR human outfits that would make your jaws drop (more about my adventures with deadlines, measurements, artisans and whatnot in another post)
  • Wearing full plate armor and chain maille now feels like wearing a moderately heavy winter coat
I've always been interested in costuming and I guess that LOTR brought it to the fore. Now, I'm actually indulging in what I enjoy most.

I'm a Capricorn, and like most Cappies, I find that I tend to live life backwards. I'm having more fun now that I'm older, and as my buddies develop the receding hairlines, wrinkles and spread around the middle, I get the thicker hair, rugged good looks and muscles.

I was not exactly the athletic type all during high school or college (ok, I worked as part of the library staff and was valedictorian). I happened to bump into one of the jocks I knew and I don't know what was more enjoyable - finding him on his third marriage, fat, and wearing a toupee so bad it looked like a racoon died on his head or him babbling, "I can't believe you look so good" over and over again.

My current projects are an Ithilien Ranger and Green Lantern/Kyle Rayner. Barring a snowstorm, I should have my Green Lantern costume completed by February 22nd.

Some of my past projects included Duke Alaric Morgan (from Katherine Kurtz's Deryni series), Gerard Butler's Phantom of the Opera and some generic piratical outfits.

More to come, and thanks for visiting!

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