The Private Investigator Story!

I had decided to also go for an Ithilien Ranger costume, and at that point in time my two principal vendors were Andrea and Reg.
My motivation was some really great pictures on the site of the Ranger's parade in Wellington, plus an extremely detailed breakdown of each costume piece.
Andrea, of course, had no problem with the shirt, the neck cover/mask and the tabard. They were done in about 3 weeks.
Reg, would be doing the underbracers, bracers, tunic, cuirass and gorget. Knowing Reg's inability to get stuff done on time, I made sure I gave him eight months advance notice.
"Reg, do you swear to God you're going to get this stuff done on time, this time? Am I going to have to keep calling you because you'd forget your head if it wasn't attached?"
We set the date of October 1 to have all the pieces in my hands. Not shipped. Not almost ready. Delivered.
The other thing I needed for the outfit was an Ithilien Ranger sword. Why I didn't think of JJ at this point, still escapes me, but I went ahead and contacted Eyal Azerad at Darksword Armory in Quebec for the commission. We discussed the project and Eyal put me in his queue; the expected delivery date was 6 months. So everything would be coming due at the same time. Nice. I also decided at that time, that as a birthday gift, I'd give Andrea my Faramir sword and have Eyal make another one up for me.
With two HUGE exceptions (Garry, Andrea's husband and Corey Sosner) I've been universally disappointed with every single item I've gotten from a Canadian vendor. They're sloppy. I give Reg a call on September 1 - just to see if we're on track.
"Oh yeah! I've got all the leather cut and I'll have them out to you before I go to the Texas Faire."
"Oh, how long is the faire?"
"About 2-3 months."
DAMN. Here we go again. Deep breath. Relax. Unclench my hands. Look around for someone to beat the living s**t out of.
"When are you going?"
"End of the month."
"So you promise me you'll get the stuff out, RIGHT? You're not going to miss your deadline again?"
"I promise! I promise!"
Well, you can guess exactly what happened. Not only did Reg not get the stuff out by the end of the month, he was off gallivanting in Texas. The term "volcanic fury" does not even begin to describe my feelings at that moment. This was the straw that broke the camel's back. I figured that I needed to find another vendor. Luckily, I hadn't given Reg a deposit. (Unluckily, if I had, I wouldn't have been so eager to find someone else).
Introducing ....
With some help, I found Greg Podgorny of Podgorny Designs and I give him a call. He's an MFA and had done a full set of Gimli armor, does plate armor and forges swords. We exchange emails and he responded promptly. He picked up his phone. He returned voicemails. I get a written contract that states he will be done by end of January 2007. The only thing I'm not too thrilled about at this point is the fact that he wants to be paid 100% up front. (This should have set off warning bells, but I was too pissed off at Reg to listen to that little voice.)
I send Greg a bank check ... we still talk to each other on the phone and email. Even better. I even get progress photos!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch ...
Eyal has emailed me and has backed out of the Ithilien Ranger sword. Damn. Damn. Damn. He can't get the casting on the pommel to his satisfaction. He sends me the new Faramir sword. It's beautiful - except for three items:
- All the leather is black, instead of green. We had specifically agreed to faded green leather in all the email correspondence
- There's no etched ravens on the pommel - according to him, the material he used is too hard to etch.
- The scabbard doesn't fit properly and it is not the "Faramir" scabbard. The metal aglet is also slightly rusted.

I give Greg a call on January 10. He's actually finished everything and is just waiting for some nice weather to "age" the leather. He's all set to ship on January 16. By the end of the week, I don't get the items and I call ... I get his voicemail, but I figure Greg's off-site - he often does movie work and is not in the office/forge for a few days.
Two weeks ... three weeks. Nothing. Zip. Nada.
I call his neighbor (he's next to a woodworking place) - he hasn't seen him. I send registered mail. Nothing.
So now I'm out over $2000, I still don't have my Ithilien Ranger sword PLUS I no longer have a Faramir sword.
Well, back to the drawing board ...
So I give Reg a call. I had told him previously that because he couldn't meet the deadline I had to use someone else. Of course, both he and Larkin were extremely apologetic when I blew them off. So my excuse was I wanted a second Ithilien ranger outfit. He actually got it done and the stuff was, as usual, visually stunning - just very, very late. And nearly free since Reg felt so bad about disappointing me in the first place. The only problem was the boot toppers - they were this bright palomino gold color - a nice color, if you like your eyes to bleed. Another pair, this time in a darker brown was completed and was being shipped out on April 5. These are in a weathered milk-chocolate brown and look perfect with the outfit.
This was also around the same time as I was having such a hassle with that witch Kathy Pillsbury with the Han Solo costume. At this point, I was so damn angry I decided I'd hire a private investigator to track Greg down and either get my money back, or get my costume and swords (or have his kneecaps broken, depending on who I'd hire).
So I look for private investigators in the Los Angeles area (Greg was in Pacoima, which is a suburb of Los Angeles) and shell out $275 for a "basic locate". I was hoping to get either a cell phone number, residence address or something to speak with Greg and rip him a new one. Greg is definitely one tough person to locate, because as of this writing, the PI still can't find him and I'm getting a refund.
... Then back from the dead ...
All of a sudden, I get a package from Greg - now this is the end of February 2007. He's 30 days late on his written contract, so he's technically in breach. I can sue the jerk if I want to. In the box is my Ithilien Ranger outfit and it fits great. This one is deliberately scratched and worn - which is the way I wanted it - so I really do wind up with two usable Ranger outfits. And - wonders of wonders - there's another 818 phone number. I call it and I actually speak to the idiot.

Now, Greg's old place of business in Pacoima was zoned for industrial use only. Given the rents in that area, Greg decided to also reside there. And conveniently forgot to tell his landlord. His neighbor - his supposed friend who ran the woodworking store - wanted to expand his business and so he decided to tell the landlord about Greg's living arrangements. The landlord got angry and gave Greg five days to vacate the premises. He packed what he could in his pickup truck, gave as much equipment he could to friends and still left a lot of stuff there when the L.A. County sheriffs came to padlock the place. Greg drove cross-country and is living with/near his parents in North Carolina and is fixing up his grandfather's apartment that hadn't been lived in for about 15 years. One of his friends gave him a cell phone - which was the number on the package label - and this same friend had mailed out the Ithilien Ranger package. The Eyal/Faramir sword was still with either this friend or another in California and he/she would send that out to him when he was ready to make the scabbard. The swordwork was supposed to be finished by March 30, 2007.
Greg was going to be doing some lectures/classes at the college he graduated from and swore up and down that he would forge the sword and make the scabbard for the classes. I could call him any time on the new number.
... And out for the count ...
So, I talked to Greg twice on the new number, and after that - I'm just getting his voicemail - just like the last time. Then the message switched to "This number is temporarily out of service". Now someone else has the number with a different message. I don't even have a mailing address. So I'm out the money I gave him for doing the Ithilien sword and I'm out the money I spent with Eyal on making another Faramir sword. About $1800 in total.
And the almost-happy ending ...
- Reg has another Faramir sword, which he is going to send me - when - is the big question since he's off to a faire in Escondido in two weeks.
- JJ is doing the Ithilien sword (for about $900)
wow, sounds almost like my story only I got nothing and I'm out $3000. He took my money, repeatedly promised me a contract and never produced the armor he promised, plus he has my cloak and some other things he needed.
If you never find him again, I would desperately like to know, as I'm also out P.I. fees and was never able to serve papers to take him to court.
Greg Podgorny is a rip off artist he took $10,500 from my son for a custom armor set and he then took off with the money. He is and unethicle cheet and needs to go to Jail
You can contact me at to discuss Podgorny I don't know where he is but I will locate him...perhaps he is back in Iran.
You can contact me at to discuss Podgorny I don't know where he is but I will locate him...perhaps he is back in Iran.
You can find Gregory Podgornys brother George Jr. Podgorny who
is an attorney- at
or google George Podgorny Jr-
his father is a doctor- George Podgorny- He is from Winston Salem North Carolina- you can also access the database for website- address info -
Gregory Podgornys brother George Jr Podgorny from Winston Salem- law firm is Jensen, McGrath & Podgorny. P.A.
Wow, Greg did the same to me and I even spent the weekend at his shop getting measured and hanging out. He stole $2,500 from me and I never got anything but a fabric sample. Have tried to contact his attorney brother, but never received a response.
I always knew he was somewhat of a coward, but Thief, "WOW". He's not in Iran. That's funny, guarantee that he's not there. He has two brothers (younger one a lawyer and the oldest is a doctor). Greg is a liar and always has some sort of drama. Greg also always has "poor me" excuses. Don't fall for that stupid shit. I hope you all have your money returned to you. Such a shame, because he is a great artist. Yet if your a shitty, selfish and dishonest person, it doesn't really matter.
Just to let you all know I heard from a former friend of Greg that he killed himself in a warehouse he was living/working in on Lee Street in Greensboro.
I currently occupy Greg's former space off Spring Garden Steet in Greensboro, North Carolina. Sad ending to the story.
It is true...
I am a fiend of Gregs here in California and the one thing that I can tell you is that Greg got in over his head and never intended on stealing any money.I know that as a person he was smart,funny,helpful and would do anything for a friend. .Obviously being known as a "thief"tore at him more than anyone of us will ever know.I am sorry that you weren't delivered what he promised but please forgive him and say a prayer for his family.Thank you
I feel bad for you folks, but you should be ashamed of yourself for posting his brother's contact information and website on here. What if your relative did something bad and someone posted YOUR personal information on a website and you received a flock of people trying to hold you accountable for something that another person did?
Greg was found dead in his studio. I go to ECU.
I go to ECU too and I don't think it is appropriate for you to be commenting on the subject for several reasons.
I go to ECU as well, and if I find out who it was that posted the first ECU comment, I'm going to have words with you. You know that the news of Greg's passing was told to us in confidence by someone who placed his trust in us. Shame on you.
I understand the frustrations of those that lost money. I knew Greg as well as anyone. He always intended to do as he promised. Sometimes to a fault. The loss of his Grandfather and then his Mother devastated him more than most realized. He was a sweet, gentle man that lived a simple life with a God given passion for art. I have never seen anyone with so much talent. His paintings and sculptures could draw out emotions that no others could. He will be greatly missed. May he rest in peace.
I will miss Greg. I know many of you have had issues with him, and I understand that. I can tell you from my experience with him that he was a genuinely kind and giving person, the type of man that I was proud to call "friend".
Just saw Greg's obit in the Winston-Salem Journal. He passed away Feb. 9th. 2009.
Greg had serious alcohol and drug problems for many years; he could be very violent, started fights all the time for fun, hurt a lot of people. The way he treated women, his girlfriends for instance was horrible. He owed me lots of money from a long time ago, his rip off schemes were not new, he was not forced to do anything, he was a spoiled rich brat who trampled anybody in his way.
Violent? Alcoholic? An unethical cheat? Sounds horrible.
Unfortunately, none of these vile lies and one-sided distortions bear even the slightest resemblance to reality.
Greg wasn't perfect, but I suspect he was a far better person than those who now are spewing this poison.
He's gone. Do everyone a favor and take your bitterness somewhere else.
Dear Herion
I humbly ask you- if you would consider extending a gesture of genorousity and honor towards a lost soul- whose heart beat the same as our hearts- for someone who needs forgiveness and our prayers more than anything else in this world... Please if you can find it in your heart to take this page and comments down as he is gone from our lives forever...
Please I ask you from the bottom of my broken spirit- will you bless him with your mercy and let him go now with dignity so he can rest in peace.. It would truly be the greatest gift that you could give at this time.. It will never bring him back but it would set him free...Your kindness and humanity would be greatly appreciated more than you will ever know- Thankyou so much..
Tears in Heaven
Greg was a wonderful human being. He was kind, gentle, generous and full of imagination and light. When he left LA he left behind a 5,000 sq. ft. warehouse and was only able to take what he could fit into a trailer behind his truck. He used authentic antique anvils and tools to make his art. If you've ever moved, then you know what a mess it is. Try packing up a 5000 sq. ft warehouse in five days. How could he possibly deliver your goods when he had no where to even put on a blow torch?
You might of lost money, and it sounds as though you've got plenty to burn if you're spending it on discretionary items such as these. We lost a great friend and an artist; a true gift to humanity.
Now that Greg is gone, the only thing these insults accomplish is to hurt the many people who loved him.
Herion, please take these pages down.
To all those people apologizing for his past behaviour and saying we must have had plenty of money to spend on discretionay items you are not in full possession of the facts.
1. I spent years saving for a full suit of armor, about a decade. Years of borrowing equipment, wearing bad, old, tattered armor. My teachers teach for free, I in turn have taught for free.
2. I had a contract with the man, he did not have to make the promises he did, he did not have to take my gear that I wanted incorporated into the suit.
3. He lied
4. He lied repeatedly in ways meant to inspire guilt.
5. He stole, he could have, at any point, returned my money and gear.
6. I'm out my hard earned money for that armor because he decided lying to me was easier then telling the truth. You say he left behind valuable gear, he could have sold it and paid us back, he could have given us something in return for the money he took, NOTHING, just a constant string of lies, lies he told about sick family members not only of his but his employees told to make us feel bad for actually having the gall to ask for what we had already paid for.
I do understand that you are friends or family members, and for you I feel bad at the loss of a loved one, but don't dare suggest we have no cause to complain about how we were robbed. I don't exactly see any of you offering to make amends for his transgressions.
If you, or his family were as concerned about his honor as you say you would be opening your checkbook and saying how can we repay his debts, but I don't think that's likely. So leave us the one last place we have to commiserate.
Miki - thanks for your comment. I am sorry that you were also a victim. If I can help you in any way - or point you to some reliable vendors - please let me know.
Thank you for your response, I have found an armor in New Jersey, Icefalcon from whom I've managed to get a suit of armor, not exactly to my specifications, but as close as I'm going to get, and a much better experience overall. I will miss my personal gear that I'll never see again, but well, se la vie.
Good luck to you.
Thank you, I have actually this past year finally found an armorer in New Jersey, Icefalcon, who although could not reproduce my personal vision, created a suit of armor as close as I am probably going to get. What I miss most is my grear, the cloak and leather pants etc. that I'll never see again and won't be able to replace. Thank you for the response though.
Miki - congrats on getting the armor from Icefalcon - I don't know what exactly your cloak and leather pants were, but I *can* heartily recommend Twin Roses Design for the cloak - Andrea is a joy to work with. As far as the leather pants, despite my one disastrous sojourn into Podgorny-land, I would contact Reg at Ravenswood Leather. He can be a bit absent-minded, and he may not always hit his dates, but he is a honest man and a great artisan. Good luck!
wow!.. shocking news!!.. Greg was a good friend!.. pressure will make people do some crazy stuff!.. he let me stay at his workshop in California when i was in need of help.. he even got me a job interview with a guy he was doing some chandelier work for. I knew greg!..R.I.P. bro.. we were Pals!..
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Greg was an amazing man! He was so sweet to me and I have an enriched life from the time we spent together.I wish I had been there for his sadness and things were different. He was a talented artist. Love you!
Those of you who are bitter go away!
I am glad that you had positive experiences with Greg. However, you appear to be in the minority.
I came on here just to see if he repaid his debt to find out he killed himself? I didn't know him as an alcoholic that's not the Greg I know. He was kind, sweet, who also was a cheat, liar, and cry me a river baby. R.I.P. Greg, but you took the easy way out did you? Not surprised. He never could deal with life. He believed his own lies. Talented as all. Super gifted. I loved him deeply once, but then I saw the truth. shame.
Hey Anonymous,
Nope, never received a red cent back from Greg, his well-to-do brother or daddy.
Looking back, I got ripped off for a relatively small amount - I really do feel terrible for the person that ordered that set of Gimli armor for almost $11K and got NOTHING.
We had an issue with Greg Podgorny as well. I would not recommend him. Even though his work appears to be done well, he did not uphold his contracts with us.
He's been dead for almost a decade. Time to move on dude.
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