Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Preparing For Glory ... Part II: The Vambraces

Two down. Two to go! JJ's queue has been quite full as of late, and my poor armorer is working his fingers to the bone to get all of his commissions back on a reasonable time track, my Spartan, Faramir and shield commissions included.

The good news, though, is that I got an email from JJ that he's finished the vambraces. And I must say, they look as authentic as the helmet. JJ suggested that we use buckles and straps instead of lacing. JJ has had some experience in this area, and he had a severe case of chafing when he used laces. Of course, Gerard Butler and the other Spartans had armor made of resin; mine is bronzed mild steel - there's a whole world of difference between the two materials. I'm used to wearing real metal maille and plate over many hours and JJ said the buckle/strap combination would be more comfortable.

So, for this commission I'm only waiting for the greaves and sandals. With JJ, it's always better to let him work at his own pace. I get beautiful work that has a lot of thought, skill and exactitude built into it.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

WOW! These look fantastic! And they say that good things come to those who wait. :)